Vicky Beeching
简介:Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching is a British musician and religious commentator. She is best known for her work on the American Christian rock scene.
Worship Central
简介:WorshipCentral是国际启发(Alpha International)旗下的敬拜学院,异象是要让人与神相遇、装备敬拜者和建立教会。
Amante Lacey & The Life Worship Band
简介:黑人福音歌手Amante Lacey与The Life Worship乐队带来具有洗涤灵魂力量的专辑《The Scale Of Worship》。你可以感受到一种来自内心的宁静和上帝与你同在的氛围,它将你引入到一种神圣的、难以言喻的崇拜历程。
New Wine Worship
简介:New Wine is a movement of churches which operates in the United Kingdom.
Rush of Fools
简介:Rush of Fools来自美国的阿拉巴马州,他们最有名的一首歌就是2007年的单曲“Undo”,与制作人Scott Davis合作完成。他们乐队的名字取自哥林多前书1:26-31。