Paul Baloche
简介:Paul Baloche出生于1962年,是美国知名现代敬拜音乐人,敬拜主领,词曲作家,敬拜赞美培训讲师。目前担任Lindale, Texas地区教会敬拜牧师,他的钢琴和吉他都弹得很棒,在敬拜中习惯使用民谣吉他来带领敬拜。
Amante Lacey & The Life Worship Band
简介:黑人福音歌手Amante Lacey与The Life Worship乐队带来具有洗涤灵魂力量的专辑《The Scale Of Worship》。你可以感受到一种来自内心的宁静和上帝与你同在的氛围,它将你引入到一种神圣的、难以言喻的崇拜历程。
Indelible Grace Music
简介:Our hope is to help the church recover the tradition of putting old hymns to new music for each generation, and to enrich our worship with a huge view of God and His indelible grace.
Caedmon's Call
简介:Caedmon's Call is a contemporary Christian band which fuses traditional folk with world music and alternative rock.