01 Blessed Assurance - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
02 He Leadeth Me - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
03 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
04 All the Way My Savior Leads Me - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
05 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
06 God Leads Us Along - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
07 God Will Take Care of You - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
08 Day by Day - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
09 A Shelter in the Time of Storm - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
10 Wonderful Words of Life - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
11 The Lord's My Shepherd - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
12 How Firm a Foundation - 《Hymns of Prayer & Promise》   -  纯音乐
13 Good Good Father - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
14 It Is Well With My Soul - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
15 What A Beautiful Name - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
16 To God Be The Glory - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
17 Cornerstone - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
18 Crown Him With Many Crowns - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
19 Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
20 Blessed Assurance - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
21 In Christ Alone - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
22 Be Thou My Vision - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
23 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
24 Praise To The Lord, The Almighty - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
25 How Deep The Father's Love For Us - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
26 Holy, Holy, Holy - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
27 King Of My Heart - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
28 All Creatures Of Our God And King - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
29 At The Cross - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
30 Mighty To Save - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
31 In The Garden - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
32 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
33 Here I Am To Worship - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
34 All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
35 Jesus Paid It All - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
36 The Lion And The Lamb - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
37 This I Believe (The Creed) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
38 How Great Thou Art - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
39 Our God - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
40 Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
41 O Praise The Name (Anástasis) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
42 How Firm A Foundation - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
43 Blessed Be Your Name - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
44 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
45 I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
46 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
47 Lord, I Need You - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
48 What A Friend We Have In Jesus - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
49 How Great Is Our God - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
50 Just As I Am - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐