视频时长 05:58
词/曲:赵治德 Samuel Chao、玺恩 SiEnVanessa、杨蒨时 Hope Yang
英译词:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
Standing before Your throne
站立在 祢信实面前
Standing before Your faithfulness
祢双手领我 走出旷野
You lead me out from the wilderness
I see what You've prepared for me
光照在黑暗里 使脸上帕子都挪去
Light shining in the dark, lifting the veil off from my face
祢话语如镜 炼净我心
Your Word's a mirror, cleansing my heart
荣上加荣 因袮圣灵
Glory to glory by Your Spirit
我要贴近 贴近祢心跳的声音
I will draw near, draw near to hear Your heartbeat
思绪如祢 步伐如祢 更靠近祢
To think like You, to walk like You, closer to You
活出 像祢 丰盛的生命
To live as You, abundant life
我要领受 祢起初对我的心意
I will receive, your will towards me from the start
我心渴望 荣耀如祢 圣洁如祢
I long to be glorious like you, holy like you
基督 耶稣 我全属于祢
Jesus Christ, I belong to You
我心 坦然无惧 敬拜祢 跟随祢
Boldy, with all of my heart, worship You, follow You
永恒 在祢手里 我放下 自己
You hold eternity, I lay down my life
词/曲:赵治德 Samuel Chao、玺恩 SiEnVanessa、杨蒨时 Hope Yang
英译词:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
Standing before Your throne
站立在 祢信实面前
Standing before Your faithfulness
祢双手领我 走出旷野
You lead me out from the wilderness
I see what You've prepared for me
光照在黑暗里 使脸上帕子都挪去
Light shining in the dark, lifting the veil off from my face
祢话语如镜 炼净我心
Your Word's a mirror, cleansing my heart
荣上加荣 因袮圣灵
Glory to glory by Your Spirit
我要贴近 贴近祢心跳的声音
I will draw near, draw near to hear Your heartbeat
思绪如祢 步伐如祢 更靠近祢
To think like You, to walk like You, closer to You
活出 像祢 丰盛的生命
To live as You, abundant life
我要领受 祢起初对我的心意
I will receive, your will towards me from the start
我心渴望 荣耀如祢 圣洁如祢
I long to be glorious like you, holy like you
基督 耶稣 我全属于祢
Jesus Christ, I belong to You
我心 坦然无惧 敬拜祢 跟随祢
Boldy, with all of my heart, worship You, follow You
永恒 在祢手里 我放下 自己
You hold eternity, I lay down my life