视频时长 05:41
词/曲:赵治达 David Chao、孙立衡 Peter Sun、杨蒨时 Hope Yang、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
演唱:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
英译词:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
走过绝望 祢在井边等着我
Through despair, You wait there for me by the well
迷失混乱中 祢认识祢懂
When I'm lost You know me and You're there
满足了我 内心的渴望
You satisfy the longing in my heart
超越答案 祢是我的安全感
Beyond the answers You are my security
卑微与地位 在祢眼中都不算
You don't measure worth the way the world may see
祢找到我 心中的宝藏
You have found the treasure in my heart
祢从未来 开始了盼望
Hope has been born from eternity
回到过去 将我羞辱全遮盖
You completely cover my shame from the past
我全心 敬拜 活泉涌出来
Living waters flow, a well of worship
Through You truth is revealed
我全心 敬拜 新生命展开
Let new life arise, my heart will worship
Spirit's fire burn bright
恩典和怜悯 是祢口中的话语
Grace and mercy are words You speak to me
祢看见我 祢认识祢懂
I am seen by You and known by You
祢从未来 开始了盼望
Hope has been born from eternity
无条件的 爱接纳我 不更改
You love me without condition, never change
祢开口 炼净我
When You speak, I am clean
降服 在祢爱中
Surrender in Your love
祢圣灵 充满我
Spirit come, fill me up
词/曲:赵治达 David Chao、孙立衡 Peter Sun、杨蒨时 Hope Yang、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
演唱:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
英译词:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
走过绝望 祢在井边等着我
Through despair, You wait there for me by the well
迷失混乱中 祢认识祢懂
When I'm lost You know me and You're there
满足了我 内心的渴望
You satisfy the longing in my heart
超越答案 祢是我的安全感
Beyond the answers You are my security
卑微与地位 在祢眼中都不算
You don't measure worth the way the world may see
祢找到我 心中的宝藏
You have found the treasure in my heart
祢从未来 开始了盼望
Hope has been born from eternity
回到过去 将我羞辱全遮盖
You completely cover my shame from the past
我全心 敬拜 活泉涌出来
Living waters flow, a well of worship
Through You truth is revealed
我全心 敬拜 新生命展开
Let new life arise, my heart will worship
Spirit's fire burn bright
恩典和怜悯 是祢口中的话语
Grace and mercy are words You speak to me
祢看见我 祢认识祢懂
I am seen by You and known by You
祢从未来 开始了盼望
Hope has been born from eternity
无条件的 爱接纳我 不更改
You love me without condition, never change
祢开口 炼净我
When You speak, I am clean
降服 在祢爱中
Surrender in Your love
祢圣灵 充满我
Spirit come, fill me up