两个月前,我们参加了Elevation Worship在西雅图的敬拜之夜,与九千多位基督徒在Climate Pledge Arena齐声赞美耶稣,那一刻的敬拜氛围震撼心灵,还亲眼见证了医治的神迹,内心深受感动。这次我们改编了他们的新歌《Always On Time》,歌词让人联想到彼得在风浪中下沉时,耶稣及时伸手将他救起,也让人想起但以理的三位朋友在火窑中毫发无伤的神蹟。上帝的作为在我们的生命中总是恰到好处,不会太早,也不会太迟,总在最合适的时刻显现,让我们看见祂的大能,赞叹祂的奇妙。
Two months ago, we attended the Elevation Worship Night in Seattle, joining over 9,000 believers at the Climate Pledge Arena to lift our voices in praise to Jesus. The worship atmosphere was profoundly moving, and we even witnessed a miraculous healing. This experience inspired us to cover their new song, Always On Time. The lyrics reminded people of how Jesus reached out to save Peter just as he was sinking in the storm, and of the story of Daniel’s three friends who walked through the fiery furnace unharmed. God's actions in our lives are always perfectly timed—never too early, never too late—appearing at just the right moment to reveal His power and leave us in awe of His wonders.
Two months ago, we attended the Elevation Worship Night in Seattle, joining over 9,000 believers at the Climate Pledge Arena to lift our voices in praise to Jesus. The worship atmosphere was profoundly moving, and we even witnessed a miraculous healing. This experience inspired us to cover their new song, Always On Time. The lyrics reminded people of how Jesus reached out to save Peter just as he was sinking in the storm, and of the story of Daniel’s three friends who walked through the fiery furnace unharmed. God's actions in our lives are always perfectly timed—never too early, never too late—appearing at just the right moment to reveal His power and leave us in awe of His wonders.