这次带来的作品是Elevation Worship的《Trust In God》,根据经典圣诗《有福的确据》改编而成。浅浅的歌词,却深刻地表达了对耶稣的坚定信心。在我翻译完这首歌后,第一次在驾车行驶于高速公路时用它来敬拜,圣灵大大地充满了我,眼泪不由自主地滑落。我希望这份感动也能传达给你。《使徒行传》2章21节说:「凡求告主名的,就必得救。」今天你相信吗?
This time, the song I covered is "Trust In God" by Elevation Worship, which is adapted from the classic hymn "Blessed Assurance." The simple lyrics deeply convey a steadfast faith in Jesus. After translating the entire song, I used it to worship for the first time while driving on the highway. The Holy Spirit filled me powerfully, and tears streamed down my face. I hope this same feeling can be passed on to you. Acts 2:21 says, "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Do you believe it today?
This time, the song I covered is "Trust In God" by Elevation Worship, which is adapted from the classic hymn "Blessed Assurance." The simple lyrics deeply convey a steadfast faith in Jesus. After translating the entire song, I used it to worship for the first time while driving on the highway. The Holy Spirit filled me powerfully, and tears streamed down my face. I hope this same feeling can be passed on to you. Acts 2:21 says, "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Do you believe it today?