
音乐人: 顾明明 歌曲数量: 222 首
专辑类型: 全长专辑 专辑语言: 国语 英语
专辑流派: 古典/传统 器乐/纯音乐
专辑简介: 《古今圣诗漫谈》由顾明明女士编撰;圣乐演奏 - 钢琴:吴基爱姊妹,风琴:顾明明姊妹;版权宣告:本书所有文字内容及伴奏音乐均有版权,请勿自行翻制。   更多...
01 恩友歌 What a Friend We Have in Jesus  
02 奇异恩典 Amazing Grace  
03 坚固保障 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God  
04 荣耀归于真神 To God Be the Glory  
05 奇妙十架 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross  
06 与主相亲 Nearer, My God, to Thee  
07 更爱我主 More Love to Thee  
08 数算主恩 Count Your Blessings  
09 平安夜 Silent Night  
10 天父必看顾你 God Will Take Care of You  
11 我心灵得安宁 It Is Well with My Soul  
12 祷告良辰 Sweet Hour of Prayer  
13 引人归主 Must I Go, and Empty-handed  
14 主是盘石 A Shelter in the Time of Storm  
15 信靠顺服 Trust and Obey  
16 我要耶稣 I Need Jesus  
17 天父领我 He Leadeth Me  
18 灵友歌 Jesus, Lover of My Soul  
19 在花园中 In the Garden  
20 古旧十架 The Old Rugged Cross  
21 你真伟大 How Great Thou Art!  
22 主若是 If The Lord Is  
23 我宁愿有耶稣 I’d Rather Have Jesus  
24 你若不压橄榄成渣(又名炼我愈精) Olives That Have Known No Pressure  
25 伟大的爱 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go  
26 主爱改变我 His Love Changed Me  
27 三一颂 Doxology  
28 凭你意行 Have Thine Own Way, Lord  
29 靠主膀臂 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms  
30 慈光导行 Lead, Kindly Light  
31 你的光当照耀 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning  
32 我知谁掌管明天 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow  
33 你可知道 Do You Know?  
34 藉我赐恩福 Make Me a Blessing  
35 快乐日 O Happy Day  
36 归家 Softly and Tenderly  
37 因他活着 Because He Lives  
38 主耶稣,,我曾应许 O Jesus, I Have Promised  
39 洁净我 Cleanse Me  
40 亲近,更亲近 Nearer, Still Nearer  
41 主复活 Christ Arose  
42 主,我愿像你 O, To Be Like Thee  
43 生命运河 Channels of Living Water  
44 灵里生活 Spiritual Life  
45 亲爱主, 牵我手 Precious Lord, Take My Hand  
46 万古盘石 Rock of Ages  
47 擘开生命之饼 Break Thou the Bread of Life  
48 真神之爱 The Love of God  
49 圣哉!圣哉!圣哉! Holy, Holy, Holy  
50 守信歌 Faith of Our Fathers  
51 青年向上 I Would Be True  
52 救主全舍 I Gave My Life for Thee  
53 恩爱永偕(又名完全的爱) O Perfect Love  
54 求主容我与你同行 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee  
55 这是天父世界 This Is My Father’s World  
56 主必保守我 He Will Hold Me Fast  
57 神未曾应许 God Hath Not Promised  
58 主曾亏欠你吗? Did the Lord Owe You?  
59 母亲的爱 A Mother’s Love  
60 主耶和华,求你引领 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah  
61 我爱宣传主福音 I Love to Tell the Story  
62 安居主怀 Safe in the Arms of Jesus  
63 今要主自己 Himself  
64 已负十架 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken  
65 信徒如同精兵 Onward, Christian Soldiers  
66 我今永远属他 Now I Belong to Jesus  
67 求主拣选我道路 Thy Way Not Mine, O Lord  
68 我灵镇静 Be Still, My Soul  
69 靠近神的怀中 Near to the Heart of God  
70 无一朋友像主耶稣 No One Understands Like Jesus  
71 任主差遣歌(伴奏) I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go  
72 活着为耶稣 Living for Jesus  
73 主, 我愿更亲近你 Just a Closer Walk with Thee  
74 耶稣奇妙的救恩 Wonderful Grace of Jesus  
75 来就上主羔羊(又名照我本相) Just As I Am  
76 若这不是爱 If That Isn’t Love  
77 荣耀十架 In the Cross of Christ I Glory  
78 不住的歌唱 He Keeps Me Singing  
79 愿我家基督化 God, Give Us Christian Homes  
80 教友联合 Blest Be the Tie  
81 要遍传福音 From Greenland’s Icy Mountains  
82 我知所信的是谁 I Know Whom I Have Believed  
83 恩雨大降 Showers of Blessing  
84 快乐歌 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee  
85 感谢神 Thanks to God  
86 以马内利乐境 In Emmanuel’s Land  
87 主活着 He Lives  
88 开我的眼 Open My Eyes That I May See  
89 谷中百合花 The Lily of the Valley  
90 上主之灵 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart  
91 赎罪之泉 There Is a Fountain  
92 事奉他愈久愈甘甜 The Longer I Serve Him  
93 兴起为耶稣 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus  
94 信心仰望 My Faith Looks up to Thee  
95 我愿做主俘虏 Make Me a Captive, Lord  
96 有平安在我心 Constantly Abiding  
97 野地的花 Flowers of the Field  
98 神带领我们 God Leads Us Along  
99 如果我能唱 If I Could Sing  
100 你认识我 You Know Me  
101 他为我开路 God Will Make a Way  
102 蜡烛 Candle  
103 万福恩源 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing  
104 靠主有福 Blessed Is He That Is Trusting the Lord  
105 我心献曲 My Tribute  
106 与主同在 Still, Still with Thee  
107 解忧歌 Come, Ye Disconsolate  
108 清晨歌 Golden Breaks the Dawn  
109 我心之乐,我主耶稣 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts  
110 亚伯拉罕的神 The God of Abraham Praise!  
111 与主耶稣交谈 Just a Little Talk with Jesus  
112 耶稣珍宝 When He Cometh  
113 求主充满我杯 Fill My Cup, Lord  
114 万代之神 God of Our Fathers  
115 跟随我 Follow Me  
116 有福的确据 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine  
117 他使我喜乐 He Has Made Me Glad (or I Will Enter His Gates)  
118 他既看顾麻雀 His Eye Is on the Sparrow  
119 永恒君王 Lead On, O King Eternal  
120 耶稣我良友 I’ve Found a Friend  
121 欢欣感谢 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart  
122 救主明白 God Understands  
123 没有难成的事 Nothing Is Impossible  
124 只要信他 Only Trust Him  
125 求主教导我祈祷 Fortress of God  
126 后必知清 Some Time We’ll Understand  
127 面对面 Face to Face  
128 安然过 Through It All  
129 我听耶稣柔声说 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Said  
130 当转眼仰望耶稣 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus  
131 到各山岭去传扬 Go, Tell It on the Mountains  
132 我心得满足 Satisfied  
133 靠主耶稣得胜 Victory in Jesus  
134 救主在等待 The Savior Is Waiting  
135 信靠耶稣真是甜美 ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus  
136 成为我异象 Be Thou My Vision  
137 现在我知 Now I Know  
138 为你祈求 I Am Praying for You  
139 大哉,圣哉,耶稣尊名 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name  
140 如鹿渴慕 As the Deer  
141 让我爱而不受感戴 Let Me Love and Not Be Respected  
142 主啊!我情愿 O Lord!I Am Willing  
143 每想到你 Thinking of Thee, O Lord Jesus  
144 是否困倦 Art Thou Weary?  
145 我已经决定要跟随耶稣 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus  
146 全无隔膜 Nothing Between  
147 收禾捆回家 Bringing in the Sheaves  
148 每一天所渡过的每一刻 Day by Day  
149 恳求圣灵充满我 Breathe on Me  
150 若没有他 Without Him  
151 日子如何力量如何 Your Days are Your Strength  
152 主恩典够我用 His Grace Is Sufficient  
153 “你是否肯?”救主问道 “Are Ye Able”Said the Master  
154 日落之那边 Beyond the Sunset  
155 一切献上 I Surrender All  
156 更近家庭歌 One Sweetly Solemn Thought  
157 愿主旨意成全 My Jesus, As Thou Wilt  
158 神极爱世人 God So Loved the World  
159 成圣须用工夫 Take Time to Be Holy  
160 献己于主歌(伴奏) Take My Life and Let It Be  
161 那双看不见的手 The Invisible Hands  
162 在主里的时刻 In His Time  
163 稳当根基 How Firm a Foundation  
164 机遇 Fleeting Opportunities  
165 他救我 He Touched Me  
166 当点名时 When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder  
167 荣耀大君王 O Worship the King  
168 在我心里常吟赞美歌 In My Heart There Rings a Melody  
169 耶稣大爱深不可测 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus  
170 母亲祷告要我归家 My Mother’s Prayers Have Followed Me  
171 宝架清影 Beneath the Cross of Jesus  
172 华美天宫 Ivory Palaces  
173 主耶稣,我爱你 My Jesus, I Love Thee  
174 主永活在我心 Christ Lives in My Heart  
175 坚固盘石 The Solid Rock  
176 他爱我到底 He Loves Me Forever  
177 洁心爱主 Love Him Whole Heartily  
178 慈爱的救主 Blessed Redeemer  
179 平安歌 Peace, Perfect Peace  
180 奇妙平安由神而来 Sweet Peace, the Gift of God’s Love  
181 晨曦破晓 Morning Has Broken  
182 我乃属耶稣 I Am Thine, O Lord  
183 将你的重担卸给主 Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord  
184 我的眼睛已经看见 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory  
185 坚守阵地 Hold the Fort.  
186 一轮明月 The Moon and Stars of Christmas Eve  
187 明星灿烂 Midnight, Sleeping Bethlehem  
188 求主教我如何祷告 Lord, Teach Me to Pray  
189 收成乐歌 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come  
190 求主扶持 Yield Not to Temptation  
191 交托他 Leave It There  
192 福音遍传中华 Proclaiming Gospel Throughout China  
193 普世欢腾 Joy to the World!  
194 同聚美地 Sweet By and By  
195 主名至宝 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds  
196 何处若有圣灵同在 Where the Spirit of the Lord Is  
197 橄榄山头 ’Tis Midnight, and on Olive’s Brow  
198 信徒奋兴 O Zion, Haste  
199 感谢主恩歌 Now Mine Eye Seeth Thee  
200 心泉歌 The Grace of God Unbounded Is  
201 事主蒙福 It Pays to Serve Jesus  
202 耶稣的宝血和公义 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness  
203 莫把我弃掉 Pass Me Not  
204 我不敢稍微失败 I Dare Not Be Defeated  
205 我灵之光 Sun of My Soul, Thou Saviour Dear  
206 他悄悄踏过 Quietly He Walked Through Me  
207 合神心意 Whatever He Wants for Me  
208 赞父奇爱 Father, Long Before Creation  
209 宣教的中国 China’s Mission  
210 他名称为奇妙 His Name Is Wonderful  
211 神掌权 Our God Reigns  
212 都归耶稣 All for Jesus  
213 爱使我们合一 The Bond of Love  
214 小山上的居所 Mansion Over the Hilltop  
215 助我进深 Deeper, Deeper  
216 听主微声 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind  
217 万口欢唱 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing  
218 敬畏耶和华 The Fear of the Lord  
219 主啊!我愿住你里面 Lord, I Want to Dwell in Thee  
220 我已找到快乐的途径 I’ve Discovered the Way of Gladness  
221 爱的转变 O the Bitter Shame and Sorrow  
222 再相会歌 God Be with You Till We Meet Again  
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