
音乐人: 顾明明 歌曲数量: 35 首
专辑类型: 全长专辑 专辑语言: 国语 英语
专辑流派: 古典/传统 器乐/纯音乐
专辑简介: 『荒漠甘泉乐侣』是作者顾明明女士将圣诗(每天一首)配合『荒漠甘泉』,融合了唱诗、祈祷、读经,成为最能亲近神的灵修生活。   更多...
01 我们献上赞美的祭 We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise  
02 他藏我灵 He Hidth My Soul  
03 耶稣呼召 Jesus Calls Us  
04 天上荣耀,将我心灵充满 Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul  
05 安静认识 Be Still and Know  
06 轻轻听 Listen Quietly  
07 不住的歌唱 He Keeps Me Singing  
08 解忧歌 Come, Ye Disconsolate  
09 主永不离你 I Will Never Leave Thee  
10 当神临近 When God Is Near  
11 真神之爱 The Love of God  
12 当转眼仰望耶稣 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus  
13 他不误事 He Cannot Fail  
14 主耶和华,求你引领 Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah  
15 主的美意 Sweet Will of God  
16 到各山岭去传扬 Go, Tell It on the Mountains  
17 快乐歌 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee  
18 我宁愿有耶稣 I'd Rather Have Jesus  
19 更爱我主 More Love to Thee  
20 信靠耶稣真是甜美 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus  
21 我相信主应允快来到 I Believe the Answer's on the Way  
22 小小点点水滴 Little Drops of Water  
23 洁净我 Cleanse Me  
24 没有难成的事 Nothing is Impossible  
25 靠我灵成事 By My Spirit  
26 靠主有福 Blessd Is He That Is Trusting the Lord  
27 只要信他 Only Trust Him  
28 任何地有主同行 Anywhere with Jesus  
29 你的光当照耀 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning  
30 坚立在应许上 Standing on the Promises  
31 主恩更多 His Grace Aboundeth More  
32 永不孤单 Never Alone  
33 永不再孤单 I'll Never Be Lonely Again  
34 万口欢唱 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing  
35 开到水深之处 Launch Out  
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