
"I have all and abound; I want nothing more.
Christ dying for me on the cross,
Christ ever interceding for me at God's right hand,
Christ dwelling in my heart by faith,
Christ soon coming again to gather me and all His people together to part no more
 — Christ is enough for me. Having Christ, I have unsearchable riches!"

"The good I have is from His stores supplied,
The ill is only what He deems the best;
He for my Friend, I'm rich with nothing beside,
And poor without Him, though of all possessed:
Changes may come, I take or I resign,
Content while I am His, and He is mine."

"While here, alas, I know but half His love,
But half discern Him, and but half adore;
But when I meet Him in the realms above,
I hope to love Him better, praise Him more,
And feel, and tell, amid the choir divine,
How fully I am His, and He is mine."

by J.C. Ryle