
恩典掌权音乐事工的异象和使命是:制作传扬耶稣基督的音乐作品,并且为地方教会提供门训。我们将这种方式称之为音乐与宣教相结合的进路。如今这项事工已经开展了30年之久,最初由服侍称之为恩典掌权教会的众家庭开始。我们很欣喜地看到如今我们的音乐作品触及到了更广泛的听众群,这些用实际行动践行在教会中以圣经化的、衷心的、属灵的歌唱方式的做法正在不断吸引着更多人的加入。正如Charles Wesley所言,我希望我们能有成千上万的人来一同颂赞我们伟大的救赎主。我祈祷我们所写的歌曲能够在你的内心、你的家庭中和你的教会中也激发起同样深切的渴望。


Bob Kauflin

*赞美诗网 原创翻译*

The mission of Sovereign Grace Music is to produce Christ-exalting songs and training for local churches from local churches. We call it Sound+Doctrine.

We’ve been doing it for 30 years now, primarily to serve the family of churches known as Sovereign Grace Churches. We’re happy that our songs are reaching a broader audience, and want to join the many others who are encouraging biblically informed, heartfelt, Spirit-empowered singing in the church. Like Charles Wesley, we wish we had “a thousand tongues to sing our great Redeemer’s praise.” We pray the songs we write will produce the same desire in you, your family, and your church, for the never ending glory of God.

For the sake of the gospel,

Bob Kauflin
Director of Sovereign Grace Music