
创建者: aicc77
歌曲数量: 105 首
歌单简介: 暂无   
01 At The Cross - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
02 All Creatures Of Our God And King - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
03 King Of My Heart - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
04 Holy, Holy, Holy - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
05 How Deep The Father's Love For Us - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
06 Praise To The Lord, The Almighty - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
07 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
08 Be Thou My Vision - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
09 In Christ Alone - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
10 Blessed Assurance - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
11 Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
12 Crown Him With Many Crowns - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
13 Cornerstone - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
14 To God Be The Glory - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
15 What A Beautiful Name - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
16 It Is Well With My Soul - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
17 Good Good Father - 《Relaxing Hymns And Worship》   -  纯音乐
18 敬拜的心 - 《我心切切渴慕你》   -  纯音乐
19 在陶匠手中 - 《我心切切渴慕你》   -  纯音乐
20 你是配得 - 《我心切切渴慕你》   -  纯音乐
21 成为我异象 - 《主翅膀下(钢琴纯音乐)》   -  Dongye
22 发光如星 - 《主翅膀下(钢琴纯音乐)》   -  Dongye
23 奇异的爱 - 《主翅膀下(钢琴纯音乐)》   -  Dongye
24 你爱永不变 - 《主翅膀下(钢琴纯音乐)》   -  Dongye
25 在高天宝座前 - 《主翅膀下(钢琴纯音乐)》   -  Dongye
26 主翅膀下 - 《主翅膀下(钢琴纯音乐)》   -  Dongye
27 Great Is the Lord - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
28 I Worship You, Almighty God - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
29 Jesus, Jesus (Holy and Anointed One) - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
30 Holy Spirit, We Welcome You - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
31 Here Is Love - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
32 Lord We Come (Join Our Hearts) - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
33 It's Your Blood - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
34 Jesus, You Are the Radiance - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
35 How Lovely On the Mountains (Our God Reigns) - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
36 More Love, More Power - 《Here Is Love - Classical Praise Flute》   -  纯音乐
37 荣耀荣耀哈利路亚 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
38 圣哉三一 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
39 坚固保障 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
40 喜传福音 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
41 祂既看顾麻雀 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
42 美哉主耶稣 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
43 在花园里 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
44 我灵兴起 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
45 我心灵得安宁 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
46 信靠耶稣真是甜美 - 《在花园里》   -  纯音乐
47 耶稣爱我 - 《信靠圣曲》   -  纯音乐
48 Made A Way - 《Songs of Encouragement》   -  Dappy-T Keys
49 奉献全生 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
50 赐福救主 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
51 仰望羔羊 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
52 信靠耶稣真是甜美 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
53 恩友歌 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
54 一切献上 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
55 时刻需主 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
56 凭主旨意行 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
57 近主十架 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
58 我已经决定&全告诉耶稣 - 《祈祷圣曲》   -  纯音乐
59 给愁烦人 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
60 坚固磐石 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
61 当转眼仰望耶稣 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
62 奇妙平安 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
63 上主之灵 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
64 信靠依顺 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
65 慕主歌 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
66 靠近父神的心 - 《心灵圣曲》   -  纯音乐
67 诗篇第八篇 - 《森林自然之声-圣诗钢琴纯音乐》   -  纯音乐
68 Your Presence Is Heaven (Part 1) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
69 Your Presence Is Heaven (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
70 Peaceful Moment of Worship - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
71 Hymns Medley (Part 1) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
72 Hymns Medley (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
73 I Surrender All - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
74 Hillsong Worship Medley - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
75 Jesus At The Center (Part 1) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
76 Jesus At The Center (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
77 Be Still & Know - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
78 Alpha & Omega - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
79 Come Holy Spirit - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
80 You Are Good - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
81 The Father's Love - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
82 Bless The Lord, O My Soul - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
83 This Is The Air I Breathe - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
84 Amazing Love (Part 1) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
85 Amazing Love (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
86 For Your Glory - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
87 Withholding Nothing - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
88 Emmanuel - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
89 Holy - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
90 Alone With Him (Part 1) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
91 Alone With Him (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
92 New Every Morning - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
93 My Worship Time - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
94 Songs of Praise - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
95 My Prayer Time (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
96 Moment of Worship - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
97 Christ Alone - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
98 The Secret Place (Part 1) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
99 The Secret Place (Part 2) - 《Simply Worship Vol. 1》   -  Dappy-T Keys
100 代罪的羔羊   - 《四根弦上的赞美(小提琴)》   -  天约敬拜