None But Jesus

音乐人: Hillsong United 所属专辑: United We Stand
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In the quiet, in the stillness
在寂静中 在安宁中
I know that You are God
我心深知 祢是上帝
In the secret of Your presence
祢的同在 奥秘奇妙
I know there I am restored
我知那是 复原之处
When You call I won't refuse
当祢呼召 我不拒绝
Each new day, again I'll choose
每个新晨 再次回转

There is no one else for me
再无一人 能像耶稣
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
被钉十架 赐我自由
Now I live to bring Him praise
我今得生 献上赞美

In the chaos, in confusion
在混乱中 在疑惑中
I know You're sovereign still
我心深知 主在掌权
In the moment of my weakness
当我遭遇 软弱时刻
You give me grace to do Your will
祢赐恩典 行祢旨意
When You call I won't delay
当祢呼召 我不迟延
This my song through all my days
我心赞歌 一生不息

There is no one else for me
再无一人 能像耶稣
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
被钉十架 赐我自由
Now I live to bring Him praise
我今得生 献上赞美

I am Yours and You are mine...
我永属祢 祢也属我

All my delight is in You Lord
一切喜乐 都在主里
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord
一切喜乐 都在主里


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