Let Your Kingdom Come
专辑《耶和华掌权 Jehovah Reigns》
By 戴洛
A thick darkness covers all the earth
God please let Your kingdom come
And let Your glory rise up over us
To draw all people to Your dawn
For Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of sin
Let men forsake their wickedness and believe in Him
Believe in Him
Let the world sing
That Jesus is King
Let the earth resound
With Your children singing
And Your praises ringing
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your glory cover all the earth
Like water over the ocean
And let men’s hearts turn back to You
To humbly bow and kiss the Son
Let the curse of sin be broken and the suffering it brings
Let every heart crush its idols and worship the King
The only King
Reign in us, Lord
Reign in us, Lord
Let revival start in us