A kingdom of priests,
We come to your throne
Alone by the blood of your son.
Lord hear our plea, for we are your own
As strangers in this land.
We've gone astray and turned from your ways
But with you, there is mercy
You've made a way for us to obtain.
In your wrath remember mercy.
We're standing in the gap between this nation and your wrath
We're guilty, have mercy.
The blood upon my hands is the blood of innocents.
We're guilty, have mercy!
This is our hope
That you'll come again
With revival fire to this land.
We've gone astray and turned from your ways
But with you, there is mercy
You've made a way for us to obtain.
In your wrath remember mercy.
We're standing in the gap between this nation and your wrath
We're guilty, have mercy.
The blood upon my hands is the blood of innocents.
We're guilty, have mercy!
Jesus I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of nation.
End abortion! Send revival!
We're standing in the gap between this nation and your wrath
We're guilty, have mercy.
The blood upon my hands is the blood of innocents.
We're guilty, have mercy!
Jesus I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation
God, end abortion! And send revival to America!