英文名:All praise to Him Who built the hills
英文词作者:Horatius Bonar(贺拉斯博纳)
| 英文歌词 | 中文歌词 |
1 | All praise to Him Who built the hills | 赞美上主创造群山 |
| All praise to Him the streams Who fills; | 赞美上主灌注百川 |
| All praise to Him Who lights each star | 赞美上主装饰空间 |
| That sparkles in the sky afar. | 日月交辉明星万点 |
2 | All praise to Him Who wakes the morn, | 赞美上主唤醒黎明 |
| And bids it glow with beams new-born; | 晨光灿烂照耀万灵 |
| Who draws the shadows of the night, | 赞美上主安排夜景 |
| Like curtains, o'er our wearied sight. | 如垂帐幕护我安寝 |
3 | All praise to Him Whose love hath given, | 赞美上主大哉宏恩 |
| In Christ His Son, the life of heaven; | 差遣圣子赏赐生命 |
| Who gives us, for our darkness, light, | 使我长夜变成白昼 |
| And turns to day our deepest night. | 使我黑暗变成光明 |
4 | All praise to Him in love Who came, | 赞美基督因爱降生 |
| To bear our woe, and sin, and shame; | 担负一切羞辱艰辛 |
| Who lived to die, Who died to rise, | 降生受死由死复活 |
| The all-prevailing the sacrifice. | 舍身以作万世牺牲 |
5 | All praise to Him Who sheds abroad | 赞美圣灵大发光明 |
| Within our hearts the love of God: | 将主爱力照彻我心 |
| The Spirit of all truth and peace, | 圣洁喜乐仁爱和平 |
| The fount of joy and holiness. | 诸般善果圣灵所生 |
6 | To Father, Son, and Spirit now | 父子圣灵三位一体 |
| Our hands we lift, our knees we bow: | 万民屈膝崇拜虔诚 |
| To Thee, blest Trinity, we raise | 纵使人生羁旅多愁 |
| E'en here, in exile, songs of praise. | 依旧欢呼赞美不停 |