Lonely Road
By Fernando Ortega
Well the sun has fallen
From the Western sky
House lights flicker on
As I travel by
On this l-onel-y road
I am far, from my lover
Oh my lover’s e-yes
They are blue and gray
Like the changing t-ides
In Half Moon Bay
And she f-ills my, heart
Like the wind, in an open s-ail
She’s my s-ong in the evening
A clear voice
That calms me in the dark
Let this l-onely road
Take me home, to my lover
There’s a chill tonight
The late year lies down
While the crickets c-all
Outside my hotel room
By a f-irelight
She is w-aiting for m-e
She’s my s-ong in the evening
A clear voice
That calms me in the dark
And I bel-ong there beside her
Wh-ere the waves break
Blue beneath the stars