Beyond the Sky
By Fernando Ortega
One morning
When t-ime is done
Bright heav’n
Will b-e our r-efuge
The city of God most high
I long for
That h-oly day
This longing
Somet-imes it captures my heart
And carries me f-ar aw-ay
Bey-ond the sky
Bey-ond all telling
Our F-ather Himself
Will b-e our light
His a-rms will, hold us
And w-ith His hands
He’ll wipe away the tears
That st-ain our eyes
When darkness
Falls o-ver me
This promise
It’s l-ike a fire inside
Burning the d-ark aw-ay
(Oh oh oh)
(Ah a-ah)
(A-ah ah ah)