
音乐人: 圣天飞歌 所属专辑: 长爱歌
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My world was once
Grey and lifeless

Lost in the lonely darkness
Depressed and aimless

光鲜的外表下面 隐藏着 惶恐与不安
扮演着许多无可奈何 患得患失 的角色
Hidden under my mask of brightness
I was scared and terrified 
Faced with a dead end,
I lived in pretense
I constantly worried

曾经我在失丧的  边缘挣扎着站起来
我害怕白天 喜欢黑夜 不敢面对真实的自己
I once struggled to stand up on the brink of loss and despair
Afraid of daylight, I sought refuge in the dark of night
I couldn’t face the truth of who I was

到底我要什么      怎么真实  离我越来越远
The resulting emptiness confuses more than a broken dream
What did I actually want
Why does the truth seem to be further and further away

不知我是谁  谁为我选择 谁为我决定 
My soul was once
Empty and lifeless
I did not know who was I
Who chose for me
Who decided for me 

忧郁是颜色 孤独是心情 怀疑是态度 伪装是我的方式
自怜自哀中 却不知也在自私中伤害别人   
My life was coloured by anxiety
My heart felt only loneliness
Always suspicious
Always pretending
Full of self-pity
I didn’t know in my selfishness I hurt others

只因未遇见你 我的唯一  迷路在变化世界里
欲望淹没了坚持 找不到回家的方向
把我拥入永恒爱里  留下平安接过忧虑
Because I met You too late
My one and only
I was lost in a changing world
Desire drowned out my perseverance
I couldn’t find the way home
Thank You for changing the ending of my life story
You hold me in Your love eternal
You took away my worries and left me Your peace that passes understanding

有一天你出现了 极大的光中 罪恶的我满是污点
没有羞辱和负罪感 却在痛悔中得自由
One day You appeared in Your great Light
I saw my corruption and filth
You took away my shame and guilt
And I was set free in my remorse

遍体鳞伤的我恍然大悟 在你爱的恩典里释放哭泣 
原来你用 牺牲爱了我 这不是我一直寻找的吗 却不知 你早已  你已经  等候我几千年
Covered with wounds
My eyes are suddenly opened
In Your love and mercy
I release my burden and weep
You show me Your love by Your sacrifice
Isn’t this what I’ve been looking for
And I didn’t know You’d already
Been waiting for me for thousands of years

如果不是你 我还在寂寞里叹息 (早已住在寂静里)
你打开冰封冷漠的心   把我从噩梦中唤醒
If not for You
I will still be sighing in loneliness  (I'd long be living in silence)
You melted my cold heart
And woke me from my nightmares

如果不是你  我怎能明白活着的真意
If not for You
I wouldn’t understand the real purpose of living
For You have predestined and have chosen me though I am weak
This is the wonder of Your grace and mercy

如果不是你 我还行走在黑暗里
瞎了的眼睛重见光明  脱去一切重担枷锁
如果没遇见你 怎能得盼望替代绝望 
你先舍命爱我   我才知何为爱  '爱'这个字太长 太阔 太高 太深   
If not for You
I would still be walking in darkness
Eyes that were blind now see again
I throw off all burden and yoke
If I hadn’t met You
How could discouragement be replaced by hope
You first gave Your life to love me
And then did I know what love means
How long how wide how high how deep “LOVE” is 

如果不是你 我会在哪里
宝血重价赎回 你美意中的自己
一生跟随你 仰望你圣洁美丽  
你说永不撇下我 我也永不离开你 
If not for You
Where would I be
You paid the heavy ransom for my redemption with Your precious blood
In Your loving kindness
With one heart I follow
To gaze upon the beauty of Your holiness
You said You’d never forsake me
And I will never leave You                
[01:02.22]患得患失 的角色
[01:14.50]我害怕白天 喜欢黑夜
[01:31.79]怎么真实 离我越来越远
[01:44.89]不知我是谁 谁为我选择
[01:53.20]忧郁是颜色 孤独是心情 
[01:56.62]怀疑是态度 伪装是我的方式
[02:10.88]只因未遇见祢 我的唯一
[03:06.46]原来祢用 牺牲爱了我
[03:13.50]却不知 祢早已
[03:15.79]祢已经 等候我几千年
[04:28.98]太长 太阔 太高 太深
[05:07.89]太长 太阔 太高 太深
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