我不曾拥有 也不会拥有
在这世上 不为自己保留
我需要一份 亘古不变的
永不消逝 不消逝的爱
I’ve never had and will never have
The kind of love that is selfless
I need the kind of love that will never change
never disappear or go away
你对我已经够好了 在世上寄居的日子里
你给我已经够多了 如客旅匆匆就离开了
You have been so good to me
Throughout my life on earth
You have given me so much
When I am like a sojourner who leaves soon
你对我已经够好了 什么是我留恋不舍的
你给我已经够多了 既然我赤身来 赤身走
You have been so good to me
What is there that I can’t bear to leave
You have given me so much
For with nothing I came and with nothing I leave
我还有什么抱怨 什么不满 都是过眼云烟
在世上 你真的 你真的 对我已经够好了
What complaints do I have
Any dissatisfaction is like a passing cloud
Here on earth You truly truly are the best to me
你为我预留 是属于我的
你赏赐的 才是我寻求的
你给我这份 亘古不变的
永不消逝 不消逝的爱
You prepare what’s mine for me
I seek the blessing that You bestow
You give me the love that will never change and never disappear