我敬畏你 In Awe of You
当我无法用词语表达我对祢心时 What do you do when you're lost for words?
所有的词语都不足,我敬畏祢 All fall short, so I stand in awe
我敬畏祢 Stand in awe of you
旋律来来去去 Melodies come and go
但只有祢留下,所以我敬畏祢 You remain, so I stand in awe
我敬畏祢 Stand in awe of you
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
当上帝宽恕我 What do you do when God forgives
并献出生命时、我该如何敬畏祂? And gives his life so you can live in awe?
我们敬畏祢 We live in awe of you
旋律来来去去 Melodies come and go
但只有祢留下,所以我们敬畏祢 You remain, so we stand in awe
我们敬畏祢 We stand in awe of you
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
圣洁,圣洁,我们举起圣手 Holy, Holy, we lift up holy hands
一切都是为了祢的称赞,荣誉和荣耀 All for your praise, your honor and glory
圣洁,圣洁,我们举起圣手 Holy, Holy, we lift up holy hands
一切都是为了祢的称赞,荣誉和荣耀 All for your praise, your honor and glory
圣洁,圣洁,我们举起圣手 Holy, Holy, we lift up holy hands
一切都是为了祢的称赞,荣誉和荣耀 All for your praise, your honor and glory
圣洁,圣洁,我们举起圣手 Holy, Holy, we lift up holy hands
一切都是为了祢的称赞,荣誉和荣耀 All for your praise, your honor and glory
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
无论任何风暴 Through every storm
无论任何季节 主啊 Every season God
无论任何困难 Whatever comes
无论任何困难 Whatever comes
祢掌权 You Reign
祢掌权 You Reign
祢掌权 You Reign
永掌权 Forever
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
我永远赞颂,我永远赞颂 I'll sing forever, I'll sing forever
我永远赞颂祢,我爱祢 I'll sing forever, I love you
我永远赞颂,我永远赞颂 I'll sing forever, I'll sing forever
我永远赞颂祢,我爱祢 I'll sing forever, I love you
我以赞颂祢胜过每场暴风雨 I’ll sing my way through every storm
我以赞颂祢胜过每场困难 I’ll sing my way through every trial
我以赞颂祢胜过每场暴风雨 I’ll sing my way through every storm
无论任何情况 Every situation
我永远赞颂 I’ll sing forever
我爱祢耶稣 I love you Jesus
我爱祢耶稣 I love you Jesus
我爱祢耶稣 I love you Jesus
我爱祢耶稣 I love you Jesus
我爱祢 I love you
我永远赞颂祢 Forever I’ll sing
我永远赞颂祢 Forever I’ll sing
我永远敬拜祢 Forever I’ll worship
我敬拜祢 I’ll worship
我献上我全心 I give my heart
每愿意放下自己的生命 Every single time I lay my life down
我献上自己的心 I lay my heart down,
每一天到祢面前来寻求祢 Everyday before you God
祢是配得的 You are worthy
祢是配得的 You are worthy
祢是配得的 You are worthy
永远配得 Forever
永远配得 Forever
永远祢是配得 Forever You are Worthy
我所有的敬拜 Of all my worship
我所有的赞颂 and all my praise
永远配得 Forever
永远配得 Forever
永远配得 Forever
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
让我们发出给耶稣的称赞 Give a shout out tonight
耶稣祢掌权 Jesus, you reign
祢掌权 You reign
神啊祢掌权 You reign God
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
请祢来、因为祢爱我 And come whatever, you love me
祢永掌权一切、祢坚固我 You reign forever and hold me together
来吧,我爱祢 So come whatever, I love you
我永远赞颂,我永远赞颂 I'll sing forever, I'll sing forever
我永远赞颂祢,我爱祢 I'll sing forever, I love you
我永远赞颂,我永远赞颂 I'll sing forever, I'll sing forever
我永远赞颂祢,我爱祢 I'll sing forever, I love you