Holy Lamb
奇妙创造主 何等荣美
How beautiful our wonderful creator
圣洁的羔羊 何等尊贵
How great the noble Holy Lamb
万民都要来 向祢敬拜
All nations will come to worship You
宝座前围绕 众水的声音
The sound of rushing waters surrounding the throne
哈利路亚 向祢歌唱
Hallelujah, we sing to You
全能上帝 何等伟大
How great is almighty God
高举双手 向祢敬拜
I lift up my hands and worship You
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
奇妙创造主 何等荣美
How beautiful our wonderful creator
圣洁的羔羊 何等尊贵
How great the noble Holy Lamb
万民都要来 向祢敬拜
All nations will come to worship You
宝座前围绕 众水的声音
The sound of rushing waters surrounding the throne
哈利路亚 向祢歌唱
Hallelujah, we sing to You
全能上帝 何等伟大
How great is almighty God
高举双手 向祢敬拜
I lift up my hands and worship You
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
哈利路亚 向祢歌唱
Hallelujah, we sing to You
全能上帝 何等伟大
How great is almighty God
高举双手 向祢敬拜
I lift up my hands and worship You
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
哈利路亚 向祢歌唱
Hallelujah, we sing to You
全能上帝 何等伟大
How great is almighty God
高举双手 向祢敬拜
I lift up my hands and worship You
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
哈利路亚 向祢歌唱
Hallelujah, we sing to You
全能上帝 何等伟大
How great is almighty God
高举双手 向祢敬拜
I lift up my hands and worship You
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
哈利路亚 向祢歌唱
Hallelujah, we sing to You
全能上帝 何等伟大
How great is almighty God
高举双手 向祢敬拜
I lift up my hands and worship You
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place
愿祢荣耀 充满在这地
May Your glory fill this place