My Song Is Love Unknown
专辑《Revival in Belfast II》
By Robin Mark
My song is love unknown
The Savior’s love to m-e
Love to the loveless shown that they might l-ovely be
For who am I, that in my pl-ace
My Lord should take frail flesh, and d-ie
My song is l-ove unbound
For love has conquered d-eath
And love the victory won in this His p-arting breath
For with the cry, that all is done
Vain darkness fell bef-ore the S-on
My song is l-ove enthroned
Where angel voices r-aise
To magnify the Son and sing the F-ather’s praise
So shall I stand, in glorious throng
And add my praises t-o that s-ong
So shall I st-and, in glorious throng
And add my praises t-o that s-ong