Oh Jerusalem

音乐人: Robin Mark 所属专辑: Revival in Belfast II
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Oh Jer-usalem
How the enem-y besets you
Your walls are br-oken down
And they lie in ruin about you
And the pr-aises of our God and King, no l-onger rise
And the heathen mock Your holy name, bec-ause of us

Oh Jer-usalem
That I might rebuild your temple and rest-ore again
In my Father’s house His worship
Then the n-ations of the Earth shall see
And shall, be glad
That the Lord our God the mighty King, Jeh-ovah reigns

In my sp-irit Lord
You have placed a zeal for Zion and to see, restored
On the Earth Your holy kingdom
Let it c-ome
And may Your love so burn, with-in my heart
‘Til You come in glory to receive, Your br-ide and reign

Let it c-ome
Let it c-ome
Let Your kingdom c-ome
Let Your kingdom c-ome
L-ord let it c-ome
Lord let it c-ome
Let it c-ome
Let it c-ome
Let it come
And may Your love so burn with-in my heart
‘Til You come in glory to receive, Your br-ide and reign 


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