Praise The Holy Lord Above - Eden's Bridge
Praise the Holy Lord above,
You people in His temple.
Praise Him for the Lord is good,
And you are His possessions.
The Lord above is Lord of all,
The earth is here to please Him,
From deepest sea to cloudy sky,
And wind and rain in season.
Praising the name of the Lord
Praising the name of the Lord
Praising the name of the Lord
Your name O Lord and Your renown
Endures through generations,
You will free your people,
Have compassion on your servants.
All the nations of the earth,
Come to Him and praise Him.
All ye who fear the Lord,
Come to Him and praise Him.
Praise Him, the name of the Lord
Praising the name of the Lord
Praising the name of the Lord
Praise Him
Praise Him
Praise Him
Praise Him,
Praise Him, the name of the Lord
Praise Him, the name of the Lord
Praise Him, the name of the Lord
Praise Him