Fully in Love

音乐人: Jon Thurlow 所属专辑: Stand in Awe
A- A+
the love that you have for Jesus
put it inside of me
burned it on my heart like a seal, like a seal
that in famine of Your presence
or in the floods of persecution
or in the comfort of the culture
it's still real, it's still real

oh, oh I just wanna a heart that is fully in love x 2

it's what You wanted in the Garden
it's what You wanted on the mountain
it's what You wanted on the cross being 
just a heart that is fully in love

+++ repeat the last 4 verses

oh, oh I just wanna a heart that is fully in love x 2

burn Your love upon my heart like a seal, 
that in famine of Your presence it's real Jesu
burn Your love upon my heart like a seal, 
that in the floods of persecution it's real
burn Your love upon my heart like a seal, 
that in the comfort of Your culture it's real

it's what You wanted in the Garden
it's what You wanted on the mountain
it's what You wanted on the cross being 
just a heart that is fully in love
