As The Deer

音乐人: Maranatha! Music 所属专辑: Praise 8 - As The Deer
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As the deer panteth for the water          神啊 我的心爱慕你
So my soul longeth after thee             如鹿爱慕溪水
You alone are my hearts desire            唯有你是我心所爱
And I long to worship thee               我渴望来敬拜你
You alone are my strength my shield       你是我的力量盾牌
To You alone may my spirit yield          你灵单单降服于我
You alone are my hearts desire            唯有你是我心所爱
And I long to worship thee               我渴望来敬拜你
You're my friend and You are my brother   你是我的朋友 是我的兄弟
Even though you are my king             尽管你是 我的上帝
I love you more than any other            我爱你超过爱别人
So much more than anything              更超过爱世上万物
You alone are my strength my shield        你是我的力量盾牌
To You alone may my spirit yield           你灵单单降服于我
You alone are my hearts desire             唯有你是我心所爱
And I long to worship thee                我渴望来敬拜你
And I long to worship thee                我渴望来敬拜你-

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