《Prayer For The Peace Of Jerusalem
(Musical Underscore)》
专辑:Pray For The Peace
now God we pray for the peace of Jerusalem
we pray for the coming of the Prince of peace
that You break down the walls
in the barriers of hatred and of sin
that separates brother from brother
and those who call upon Your name
that You establish a throne in this city
that You come and take up Your place
the one that belongs to You alone
that You establish Your righteousness in Your rule
that the kingdom of God will cover the earth
even as the waters cover the seas
and that the name of the holy one of Israel
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
Jesus our Messiah
we'll be a banner,and a shade,and a comfort
to all peoples who call upon Your name in holyness
Maranatha,speed the day
even so Yeshua come, take up Your throne
and bring peace to this city and to this world