专辑:Saviour Of The World
I hear the sound of the generation
Lifting their voice, rising as one
Now is the time for Your Name to be lifted high
Forever we'll sing of the things You have done
Nothing compares to Your power and love
Now is the time for Your Name to be lifted high
We lift Your name
Higher than any name
Forever we will sing
Glory to the King
Forever, forever
Name above all names
We will shout Your praise
Forever, forever
I hear the sound of the generation
Lifting their voice, rising as one
Now is the time for Your Name to be lifted high
Forever we'll sing of the things You have done
Nothing compares to Your power and love
Now is the time for Your Name to be lifted high
We lift Your name
Higher than any name
King of Kings
Forever we will sing
Forever we will sing
Glory to the King
Forever, forever
Name above all names
We will shout Your praise
Forever, forever
Forever, forever
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever we will sing
Glory to the King
Forever, forever
Name above all names
We will shout Your praise
Forever, forever
Forever, forever
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever we will shout Your Name
Forever, forever
Forever we will shout Your Name