There must be more than this 我心切切渴望
O breath of God come breathe within 神的灵啊 求祢充满我
There must be more than this 我心切切渴望
O breath of God come breathe within 神的灵啊 求祢充满我
There must be more than this 我心切切渴望
Spirit of God we wait for You 神的灵啊 我等候祢
Fill us a new we pray 恳求祢再充满
Fill us a new we pray 恳求祢再充满
Consuming fire fan into flame 神的烈焰 点燃我心
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
Spirit of God would you fall in this place 神的灵啊 充满这里
Lord have Your way 我们降服
Lord have Your way 我们降服
With us 于祢
Come like a rushing wind 圣灵的烈风吹
Clothe us with power from on high 祢的大能充满我们
Now set the captives free 释放一切捆绑
Leave us abandoned to Your praise 让我们全心敬拜祢
Lord let Your glory fall 赐下祢的荣耀
Lord let Your glory fall 赐下祢的荣耀
Consuming fire fan into flame 神的烈焰 点燃我心
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
Spirit of God would you fall in this place 神的灵啊 充满这里
Lord have Your way 我们降服
Lord have Your way 我们降服
With us 于祢
Oh There Must Be More 哦,我的心切切渴望
There Must Be More 切切渴望
Consuming fire fan into flame 神的烈焰 点燃我心
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
Spirit of God would you fall in this place 神的灵啊 充满这里
Lord have Your way 我们降服
Lord have Your way 我们降服
with us 于祢
Stir it up in our hearts Lord 搅动我们的心灵
Stir it up in our hearts Lord 搅动我们的心灵
Stir it up in our hearts 搅动我们的心灵
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
Stir it up in our hearts Lord 搅动我们的心灵
Stir it up in our hearts Lord 搅动我们的心灵
Stir it up in our hearts 搅动我们的心灵
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
Stir it up in our hearts Lord 搅动我们的心灵
Stir it up in our hearts Lord 搅动我们的心灵
Stir it up in our hearts 搅动我们的心灵
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
(Fan into flame A passion for Your Name 点燃我心对祢的热情)
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情
(Lord have Your way 我们降服)
Fan into flame 点燃我心
A passion for Your Name 对祢的热情