Redemption Day - Martin Smith
What a victory
When the sky fell down
Curtain tore
So we could be as one
What a mystery
When Your love came down
Out hearts were drawn
Into Your majesty
Oh redemption
Oh redemption day
What a victory
That You left Your home
Went to hell and back
For our iniquities
What a mystery
That we turned our backs
On the greatest love
This world has ever seen
We'll be standing
Now we're singing
Oh the joy
You are my salvation
Oh the joy
Jesus my salvation
Oh the joy
Forgiveness leads
To a brand new start
We'll be standing
On redeption day
What a history
That You loved the world
Turned it upside down
On the Cross at Calvary
What a destiny
That we'll rise again
At the journey's end
Where our life
Begins with you
We'll be standing
Now we're singing
Oh the joy
You are my salvation
Oh the joy
Jesus our salvation
What a joy
Forgiveness leads
To a brand new start
We'll be standing
On redeption day
Oh the joy
You are my salvation
Oh the joy
Jesus our salvation
Oh the joy
Forgiveness leads
To a brand new start
We'll be standing
With redeption