I Know - Kim Walker-Smith
Written by:Jordan Frye/Kim Walker-Smith/Skyler Smith
In the presence of my enemies
When the storm is crashing down on me
I will trust in what I cannot see
I wait for you I wait for you
You can part the violent sea
You can reach the depths of me
I know nothing is impossible
I know every chain is breakable
I know on Christ the solid rock I stand
I am waiting at the water's edge
Holding steadfast onto your promises
Even though I'm not there yet
I trust in you I trust in you
You can part the violent sea
You can reach the depths of me
I know nothing is impossible
I know every chain is breakable
I know on Christ the solid rock I stand
My fear is conquered by his perfect love
My life is ransomed by his royal blood
I know on Christ the solid rock I stand
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus blood and righteousness
When darkness seems to hide his face
I rest in his unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
I know nothing is impossible
I know every chain is breakable
I know on Christ the solid rock I stand
My fear is conquered by his perfect love
My life is ransomed by his royal blood
I know on Christ the solid rock I stand