Thank You Lord
By 颂赞创作诗歌
Words by Mrs. Howard, Music by James (1984.4.19)
Thank you, Lord for daily strength.
Your Loving kindness is a Spring of Joy.
You do not leave your beloved ones forsaken or along,
You cloth them with good-ness.
In gentleness you lead them beside quiet waters bathing their wounds.
Oh rejoice all who listen.
Your God lives and walks be-side you to com-fort and re-new.
Lord, you are my strength now.
Your incredible Grace so faithfully given fills me with Joy.
Thank you for new hope.
You are within me and I Rejoice.
Ps 28:7 Ps 23:2 Ps 18:46 Deut 31:8
感谢主 每天赐我力量 祢的慈爱就是喜乐的泉源
祢从不离弃祢爱的儿女 无论失丧孤单 祢为我们披上义袍
祢引领我们来到可安歇的水边 洗净我们的创伤
哦 喜乐吧 所有听到的人 你的神活着就在身旁 要安慰更新我们
主啊 祢是我的力量 祢奇妙恩典这样信实 祢的喜乐充满我心
感谢祢 赐我新的盼望 祢在我里面 我就有喜乐
诗28:7 诗23:2 诗 18:46