Hemade - JayC
在这世界里 有很多故事
没有一个那么 简单
我们沉睡在 欲望的时代
求神让我们 醒来
祂使我 放下一切
跟随祂 的道路
祂使我 悔改一切
归向祂 的十路
He gave all the love in the world
He made us get up
He gave us the only hope in the world
He made us get up
没有一个那么 简单
我们跌倒在 金钱的时代
求神让我们 起来
He gave all the love in the world
He made us get up
He gave us the only hope in the world
He made us get up
哈利路亚 哈利路亚
哈利路亚 哈利路亚
He gave all the love in the world
He made us get up
He gave us the only hope in the world
He made us get up