Christ Has Overcome
(Wuming Christian Music Ministry)
Jesus Christ the Son of God
The word became flesh
and dwelt among men
Grace and truth came through Him
His life is the light of men
Because of Him the blind can see
Because of Him the captives are free
On the cross He shed His precious blood
My sin He willingly bore
On the third day He rose again
The King of kings of heaven and earth
He gives peace the world cannot give
Because He has overcome the world
Jesus Christ the Son of God
The word became flesh and dwelt among men
Grace and truth came through Him
His life is the light of men
Because of Him the blind can see
Because of Him the captives are free
On the cross He shed His precious blood
My sin He willingly bore
On the third day He rose again
The King of kings of heaven and earth
He gives peace the world cannot give
Because He has overcome the world
On the third day He rose again
The King of kings of heaven and earth
He gives peace the world cannot give
Because He has overcome the world
Glory to the Lamb of God