Ancient of Days
专辑《Yet Not I》
By CityAlight
Ancient of Days 亘古常在者
Though the nations rage
Kingdoms rise and fall
There is still one king
Reigning over all
So I will not fear
For this truth remains:
That my God is, the Ancient of Days
虽万世变更 虽万国浮沉
但永世之王 祂统管万有
因真理坚定 我心无惧怕
None above him, none before him
All of time in His hands
For His throne it shall remain and ever stand
All the power all the glory
I will trust in His name
For my God is, the Ancient of Days
超乎万有 超乎万名
配得权柄 配得荣耀
Though the dread of night
Overwhelms my soul
He is here with me
I am not alone
O his love is sure
And He knows my name
For my God is, the Ancient of Days
虽黑暗忧惧 曾笼罩心灵
幸有主同在 终不至失丧
祂爱是真实 不将我遗忘
Though I may not see
What the future brings
I will watch and wait
For the Saviour king
Then my joy complete
Standing face to face
In the presence of the Ancient of Days
眼未曾看见 心中已确信
待那日欢欣 祂面前侍立
Ancient of Days' recorded live at St Paul's Castle Hill.
Words and Music by Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, Michael Farren & Jesse Reeves
© 2018 CityAlight Music
CCLI: 7121851